About me
Who Is Jen
Jen has been a personal trainer since 2017. Starting out in New York City she took all her knowledge and expertise from FPTI masters course over to Jersey, where she is currently located. She continues to share her passion on creating a new lifestyle change for all her clients to becoming the strongest and most confident individual they never thought they'd see; whether they are new in the gym or want to get back on their feet.
Her history of working with more than a handful of personal trainers herself understands the golden value of asking for help and finding the joy in training. It allows her to put her clients first and freshen up on new ways to make fitness fun again!
She has helped her clients not just loose weight but also move heavy weight fast, running without pain, being able to play with their kids longer and so much more! Contact Jen today to find the inner badass in you throughout this journey.
Certifications and continuing education :
Focus Personal Training Institute Certification (2017)
Interval Training for Clients and Athletes (Mike Boyle, ATC)
Scoliosis and Schroth (Ariel Flug, PT, DPT, BSSPT)
Olympic Lifting & Client Application (Liz Cavanaugh, Angelica Virga)
Motor Control and Power Lifting (Ryan Chow)
Diaphragmania (Alanna Bradley)
Movement Preparation for Squatting (Zeena Hernandez, PT, DPT)
Low Impact Training for Sedentary Populations (Will Brown)
Kettlebell Athletic Adults Level 1, Reload NY (2020)
Kettlebell Athletic Adults Level 2 Reload NY (2021)
Bell Mechanics Certification (Sam Sciaccia) (2022)
Movement NYC Mentorship (Dr. Andy Chen) (2023)